Page 49 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 49

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            47

                                                            REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           REaching out to consumERs thRough mEdia EngagEmEnts

           Throughout 2021, LIAM continued to engage proactively with the media through the issuance of press statements,
           responses to media enquiries, exclusive interviews on radio and TV stations as well as e-mail interviews. A total of 18
           press statements on various topics and issues were shared with the media in 2021, which included flood relief measures,
           COVID-19 relief measures, COVID-19 Test Fund, Industry’s business performance, Budget Wish List, appointment of LIAM
           new office bearers, medical and health insurance issues, the launch of #BUKANEXTRA 2.0, as well as the launch of the RM50
           Perlindungan Tenang Voucher Programme.

                                   COVID-19 TEsT FUND By ThE INsURANCE AND TAKAFUL INDUsTRy
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