Page 46 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 46

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  44

           rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           taX issues

           Budget 2022

           Following the announcement of Budget 2022 by the Ministry of Finance, the following issues arising from the Finance Bill will
           affect the industry:
           1.  Prosperity Tax/Cukai Makmur and
           2.  Withholding Tax on payments made to agent, dealer or distributor - Section 107D

           Following a joint presentation by LIAM, PIAM and MTA through the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in December
           2021, the insurance industry has been granted a special grace period by the Inland Revenue Board to make remittance for
           withholding tax from January 2022 to June 2022.

           taX issues affecting tHe industry

           The industry appointed PwC in 2020 to submit the proposals   The industry received favourable outcome in its appeal where:
           on the following tax issues to IRB and the Ministry of Finance
           (MOF):                                              On item ii above, the Minister of Finance Malaysia via his
                                                               letter dated 28 April 2021, granted the tax exemption on
           i.   Reinsurance/ReTakaful Discount and Experience Refund   the  single  tier dividend income  and  income  derived from
               on 14 May 2020;                                 investment of deferred annuity scheme, which is included
           ii.  Exemption on Single Tier Dividend and;         in the actuarial surplus of life fund/takaful family fund, that
           iii.  Exclusion of Unit-Linked Fund from Section 110B on    is transferred to the shareholder fund, has decided that the
               6 November 2020.                                tax exemption will be terminated with effect from the tax
                                                               assessment year of 2022.

                                                               On item i above, the MOF issued a letter on 25 February
                                                               2022  confirming  that  reinsurance  /  retakaful  discount  and
                                                               experience refund under reinsurance / retakaful contracts are
                                                               amounts received by life / family takaful fund in connection
                                                               with the life insurance / family takaful policies reinsured. In
                                                               this regard, they should not be regarded as incidental income
                                                               in nature under Section 60(8) and Section 60AA(13) of the
                                                               Income Tax Act 1967 and are not subject to income tax.
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