Page 42 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 42

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  40

           rePort of tHe ManageMent coMMittee

           LiaM structured internsHiP PrograMMe

           A total of 99 interns from 19 universities, locally and abroad, enrolled under the LIAM Structured Internship Programme (SIP) in
           2021. This programme is open to Malaysian undergraduates of all disciplines to undergo internship attachment with any of LIAM
           members for a period of three months.

           The programme was launched in September 2016 to encourage graduates to make life insurance a career of choice by providing
           them the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the vast career opportunities offered by insurance companies. To date, the
           programme has benefited a total of 623 interns from more than 60 universities.

           During the year, LIAM expanded the programme to include internship placements at members’ branch offices in Sabah and
           Sarawak. LIAM also continued to organise two virtual workshops to provide interns with the opportunity to hone their soft skills.

           The 14  Motivational Workshop was attended by 26 interns. It was spread out over three days – one full-day session on 6 July
           and two half-day sessions on 7 and 8 July 2021. LIAM Vice-President, Raymond Lew was invited to share his life experiences via a
           live session with the interns. Raymond also shared his views on the developments of the industry and what it takes to nurture a
           successful career in insurance.
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