Page 58 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 58

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  56

           REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           national association oF malaysian                  LIAM  had  also  consulted  with  NAMLIFA  on  the  drafting
           liFE insuRancE and Family takaFul                  of  best  practices  in  evaluating  Customer  Fact  Find  (CFF)
           advisoRs                                           forms completed by insurance intermediaries and received
                                                              invaluable feedback from them.
           LIAM has maintained a good working relationship with the
           National Association of Malaysian Life Insurance and Family
           Takaful  Advisors  (NAMLIFA)  over  the  years  and  2021  was
           no  exception.  LIAM  consulted  with  the  NAMLIFA  National
           Council  on  the  drafting  of  the  best  practices  for  raising  the
           professional standards of insurance advisors. The professional
           standards  specifies  that  a  professional  insurance  advisor
           should be customer centred, hold high standards of integrity
           and ethics, always act in the best interest of the customer,
           commitment to ongoing service to review customers’ needs
           timely and professionally, invest time on a path of continuous
           professional development and also seek recognized
           professional designations so as to advertise their professional
           qualifications, among others.

           The  industry  proposes  for  insurance  advisors  to  be  certified
           either by passing the examination for the Malaysian Financial
           Planning Council (MFPC) Registered Financial Planner Module
           2 in Risk Management and Insurance Planning, or, the NAMLIFA
           Module LP101 of the Fellow of the Certified Life Practitioner
           (FCLP), Personal Insurance: Principles and Marketing, of which
           NAMLIFA were supportive of.

           PERBadanan insuRans dEPosit malaysia

           PIDM conducted a briefing on 10 March 2021 on the “DLS Validation Program Guidelines” and the “Enhancements to the Scope
           and  Limits  of  Protection  for  the  Takaful  and  Insurance  Benefits  Protection  System  (TIPS)”  to  its  insurer  members.  The  new
           guidelines were issued on 10 February 2021.

           One of the major relaxations given by PIDM is that there is no requirement for insurers to appoint an external auditor to validate
           the levy information. The TIPS enhanced scope and limits of protection came into effect on 1 January 2021.

           Meanwhile, at the engagement session between PIDM and LIAM on 13 April 2021, the industry was briefed on the proposed
           enhancements to the Differential Levy Systems (DLS) Framework and the Guidelines on Validation Programme: Differential Levy
           systems and Levies Calculation.

           Under this enhancement, the regulatory burden on insurers was reduced. The data submission process has been simplified with
           the removal of external auditors. This new validation programme will be implemented with effect from year of assessment 2021,
           with a one-year transition period.
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