Page 61 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 61

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            59

                                                            REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           omBudsman FoR Financial

           The   annual  engagement   session  between
           Ombudsman  for  Financial  Services  (OFS)  and  LIAM
           members continued to be held online on 5 August
           2021. OFs shared the review of the number and types
           of disputes received, registered and resolved as of 30
           June  2021.  OFS  also  shared  its  observations  of  the
           cases and gave suggestions on how companies could
           improve in handling dispute cases.

           LIAM members comprising Heads of Customer Service, Complaints Units and Claims, took the opportunity to seek clarification
           from OFs on a few issues including how OFs handles cases that are not within its jurisdiction, how cases are assigned among case
           managers, the application of OFS’ Monetary Jurisdiction and circumstances of settlement based on goodwill.

           The OFS is the operator of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme (FOS), an alternative dispute resolution channel to resolve disputes
           between consumers and financial service providers including life insurance companies. The FOS was launched on 1 October
           2016. As of 31 July 2021, OFS has a total of 214 members comprising licensed insurers, licensed commercial banks, prescribed
           development financial institutions, approved financial advisors and Islamic financial advisors, licensed Islamic banks, licensed
           Takaful Operators, approved Insurance/Takaful brokers and approved designated payment instrument issuers.

           EngagEmEnt with Fomca and nccc on consumER issuEs

           During the year, LIAM continued to engage with the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (FOMCA) and the National
           Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC) as part of the industry’s efforts to create an understanding and mutual relationship with the
           consumer bodies and manage consumer issues diligently.

           We organised a virtual meeting with FOMCA President,
           saravanan Thambirajah and NCCC  senior Manager
           s.Baskaran, together with their respective teams,
           on 5 August 2021 following the virtual handover of
           a Memorandum by FOMCA to BNM on 16 July 2021
           concerning issues related to medical insurance
           premium repricing and rising medical costs.

           At the meeting, LIAM shared the key drivers of the
           increase in medical insurance premiums and medical
           costs,  highlighted  the  industry’s  proactive  efforts
           in managing the issues and the implementation of
           industry-wide  relief  efforts  to  assist  policyholders
           during the pandemic.

           It was also highlighted during the meeting that the issue of rising medical costs and medical premiums does not rest solely on
           insurance and takaful operators. All stakeholders must to come together to address the areas of concern to improve the situation.
           LIAM subsequently submitted an official industry’s response to the items highlighted in the Memorandum to BNM.
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