Page 64 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 64

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  62

           REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           thE viRtual mFPc PRoFEssional & Ethics FoRum 2021

           LIAM took part in the MFPC Virtual Professional & Ethics Forum
           held on 9 December 2021. The keynote address was delivered
           by BNM deputy governor Jessica Chew Cheng Lian.

           Themed, “Ethics: Value & Business sustainability”, the forum
           focused  on  ethical  behaviour  which  involves  demonstrating
           respect for key moral principles that include honesty,
           fairness, equality, dignity, diversity, and individual rights. Most
           professionals are bound by a code of ethics in order to prevent
           the exploitation of clients and preserve the integrity of their

           The forum helped the participants to appreciate the importance of ethical behaviour and
           conduct in various industries.

           LIAM CEO Mark O’Dell presented on the topic, ‘Business Ethics a sustainable Approach’.
           The forum was attended by 527 participants from the industry.

           launch oF malaysian insuRancE highlights

           On 26 February 2021, Malaysian Re launched its new publication called Malaysian
           Insurance Highlights (MIH) 2021 and the inaugural issue was launched virtually by BNM
           assistant governor Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid. MIh 2021 incorporated a “live” round
           table discussion on the topic “Malaysian Insurance Outlook and Challenges: Present and
           Beyond COVID-19”.

           The formidable line-up of panellists for this virtual round table discussion comprised of
           prominent industry figures namely LIAM president Loh Guat Lan, PIAM chairman Antony
           Lee, MTA Management committee member Marcel Omar Papp, and Malaysian Re CEO
           Zainudin Ishak, as the moderator.

           During the session, Loh Guat Lan shared the industry’s performance, the COVID-19 relief measures offered by the industry, the
           RM8 million COVID-19 Test Fund, the acceptance, and adaptation of digitalisation in the industry as well as the on-going consumer
           education programmes to educate the public on the importance and benefits of life insurance protection. The virtual event was
           attended by some 300 participants from the insurance industry.
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