Page 62 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 62

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  60

           REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           EngagEmEnt with consumERs association oF PEnang

           LIAM organised a virtual engagement session with the   contribute to medical inflation and the reasons behind the
           Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) for the first time on   increase in premiums.
           15 November 2021.
                                                              The industry looks forward to fostering a fruitful collaboration
           The team from LIAM, headed by its CEO, Mark O’Dell, shared   with CAP to serve Malaysian consumers better.
           a presentation deck on the overview of LIAM, its role and
           functions, as well as the latest activities and developments
           undertaken by the industry.

           Meanwhile, CAP was represented by its president, Mohideen
           Abdul Kader, who shared some complaints pertaining to the
           increase  in  medical  and  health  insurance  (MHI)  premiums,
           insurance claim disputes, etc.
           It was a fruitful session as LIAM had the opportunity to explain
           how medical and health insurance policy works, factors that

           malaysian insuRancE institutE

           LIAM has formed a cordial working relationship with the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) over the years particularly on matters
           concerning licensing examinations and education/training for the agency force. LIAM CEO, Mark O’Dell, is also a member of the
           MII’s Academic Quality Assurance Committee.

           During the year, MII had an engagement session with LIAM members on Agent Licensing Examination Registration on 26 October
           2021, during which MII had shared the findings of its survey of the licensing examinations and incidents of breaches in the

           During the session, MII also highlighted the issue of candidates’ readiness for the examination and sought the agency staff
           assistance to ensure that candidates come prepared for the examinations.

           MII organised a session with LIAM and PIAM members on 3 August 2021 to present its proposal on an industry-wide data maturity
           assessment to understand where insurers are at in the journey of becoming data-driven organisations. A follow-up session,
           specifically for LIAM members, was held on 3 August 2021 for them to better understand the requirements of the study.
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