Page 60 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 60

Life insurance association of MaLaysia                                                  58

           REPoRt oF thE managEmEnt committEE

           association oF PRivatE hosPitals malaysia

           A meeting was held between the representatives of LIAM, PIAM and MTA with the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia (APHM)
           on 29 October 2021 to collaborate in improving customer experience.

           subsequently, a hybrid dialogue session between LIAM, PIAM and MTA member companies with APhM and the Malaysian Medical
           Association (MMA) was held on 11 December 2021. The dialogue enabled all parties to have a better understanding of the approval
           of Letter of Guarantee (GL) and claims process and to explore the formulating of a best practice guide for GL/claims process as
           well as to discuss the setting up of a grievance Mechanism to bridge the information and knowledge gap between hospitals/
           doctors and insurers/third party administrators.

           It was agreed that a Working group comprising members from APhM, MMA and the industry would be formed to look into the
           issues discussed at the dialogue.

           LIAM will continue to engage with APhM and MMA to enhance the working relationship for better co-ordination.
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