Page 14 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 14
Unit 10 14
Now act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the English text.
Use other names than in the original dialogue when acting out.
Person English
David Hi, what’s up?
Deena Fine, how are you?
David Everything is all right, what’s your name?
David My name is Deena, and you?
Deena I’m David. How old are you?
David I’m 19 years old. How old are you?
Deena I’m 21 years old.
David Really?! Where are you from?
I’m from Israel; I’m a soldier in Israel.
Deena Where are you from?
David I’m from Canada. I’m a student.
David Do you have a boyfriend?
Deena No, do you have a girlfriend?
Deena No. Maybe you would like (to have) a
David boyfriend?
O.K. I'm your boyfriend.
Really? You are my boyfriend?
When we want to specify something – for instance, say that we like or
love something specific, we would add the word ET HA___ before the
noun. In order to create a question, just change the intonation. The
sentence is the same.
Do you like the Madrikh (instructor)? = ATA OHEV ET HA’MADRIKH?
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