Page 15 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 15

Unit 10  15

The following questions appear in masculine form.

            English                      PHONETIC              ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                                      ?‫ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶאת ַהַּמ ְד ִריְך‬
Do you like the guide?          ATA OHEV ET
                                HA’MADRIKH?               ?‫ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶאת ַה ַנ ָהג‬
Do you like the driver?         ATA OHEV ET
                                HA’NAHAG?                ‫ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶאת ַה ָק ֶפה‬
Do you like the coffee          ATA OHEV ET HA’KAFE                    ?‫ְב ִי ְש ָר ֵּאל‬
in Israel?                      BE’YISRAEL?
Do you like the food in                                   ‫ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶאת ָה ֹא ֶכל‬
Israel?                         ATA OHEV ET                            ?‫ְב ִי ְש ָר ֵּאל‬
Do you like the food in         HA'OKHEL BE’YISRAEL?
the army?                                                 ‫ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶאת ָה ֹא ֶכל‬
                                ATA OHEV ET                              ?‫ַב ָצ ָבא‬
                                HA'OKHEL BA’TZAVA?

                                                      Unit 10, Track 4


The following questions appear in masculine form.

                English                   PHONETIC          ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
Are you a soldier?                ATA KHAYAL?                       ?‫ַא ָתה ַח ָיל‬

Who’s your friend in the army?    MEE HA’KHAVER         ?‫ִמי ֶה ָח ֵּבר ֶש ְלָך ַב ָצ ָבא‬
Are you a student?                SHELKHA BA’TZAVA?            ?‫ַא ָתה ְסטּו ֶד ְנט‬

                                  ATA STUDENT?                ?‫ִמי ַהּמֹו ָרה ֶש ְלָך‬
                                                                    ?‫ַא ָתה ַנ ָהג‬
Who’s your teacher?               MEE HA’MORA
Are you a driver?                 SHELKHA?            ?‫ִמי ַה ַנ ָהג ֶשל ָהאֹוטֹובּוס‬
                                                                   ?‫ַא ָתה עֹו ֵּבד‬
                                  ATA NAHAG?
                                                            ?‫ֵּאי ֹפה ַא ָתה עֹו ֵּבד‬
Who’s the bus’ driver?            MEE HA’NAHAG SHEL      ?‫ֵּאי ֹפה ַהַּמ ְד ִריְך ַע ְכ ָשו‬
Do you work?                      HA’OTOBUS?
                                                            ?‫ֵּאי ֹפה ַה ַנ ָהג ַע ְכ ָשו‬
                                  ATA OVED?

Where do you work?                EIFO ATA OVED?

Where is the counselor now?       EIFO HA’MADRIKH
Where is the driver now?          AKHSHAV?
                                  EIFO HA’NAHAG

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