Page 21 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (16-01-18) High Inter Level
P. 21

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #4 (High-Intermediate Level)

                                        Happy Hebrew Holiday

            The  name  of  the  Hebrew  language  is  only  known  from  the  time  of  the
            Second Temple. In the Bible it’s called Jewish, the language of the land of
            Judea.  The  first  word  Eliezer  Ben  Yehuda  renewed  was  dictionary,  up

            until then it was called a word book. Hayim Nahman Bialik renewed more
            words than Eliezer Ben Yehuda – three hundred, as opposed to about two
            hundred and twenty. The most commonly used word in Hebrew is “no”.

            Other ubiquitous words are: “et”, all, none, this, me and the verbs: was and
            said. The Hebrew words amen and hallelujah are known all over the world,
            and many have also heard of Hava Nagila. In contrast to what you may
            have been taught, a connecting Vav can follow a comma, and even a full-

            stop.  There’s  no  mistake  there.  In  the  past,  our  politicians  didn’t  just
            engage in governing, but in word innovations as well. The resurrection of

            Hebrew  speech  is  a  unique  phenomenon  in  the  whole  world.  What  for
            many  generations  was  a  dream,  is  a  reality  of  life  for  us  today.  Happy
            Hebrew holiday!

                                         Page  21        -        Edition 01-16-18
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