Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone(05-29-18) Advanced Level
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
One-page format to print (Advanced Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary טָל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא–
English תירבע English תירבע
to defeat )לעפ( רובגל to be a guest )לעפתה(
6 1
defeated (pl.) ורבג col. our guest (f.) תחראתמ
score (sports) האצות 7 miss תרבג 2
to recycle )לעיפ( רזחמל 8 leading ,ליבומ 3
recycles (f. sg.) תרזחממ הליבומ
bottle(s) 9 priest(ess) תנהכ ,ןהכ 4
to come out
)לעפ( תאצל
col. you’re םילודג םתאצי 10 born in… הדילי ,דילי 5
awesome (pl.)
Page 19 - Edition 05-29-18
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