Page 24 - ebook training administration 051115
P. 24
Adding a Credit Card
● To add a credit card go to the “ ”פרמטריםtab. Put the credit card number in the
“CC Number” box. Select the type of credit card in the drop down menu in the
“CC Type” box. In the “Expiration” box, put in the 4 digit expiration date as
follows, if the expiration is December 2018 it should appear as 1218.
● Next go to the “ ”משימות ללקוחtab underneath. Select the date in the “”מתאריך
column. Put the cursor in the “ ”לטיפולbox and type the following: “CVV for
XXXX” (the XXXX should be the last 4 digits of the credit card you are adding).
● The click on “ ”תקציר המשימהtab underneath. In the white box that pops up,
type the following “CVV XXX for card ending XXXX”.
Checking Past Payments
● If the customer already exists, you can check their previous payments in the
following way.
● Make sure the correct customer has been selected and you can view their details
on the main customer page.
● Select the “ ”חשבונות לקוחותbutton on top. When the box pops up, make sure
either the customer's name or number are highlighted and then select either
“ שנה נוכחית- ( ”תנועות החשבוןfor payments made this fiscal year) or “ תנועות
רב שנתי- ( ”החשבוןfor any other payments made before this fiscal year).
● If any payments were made then a list will appear with all the payment made
shown as a list of חשבוניות.
● To read any of the חשבוניות, select the number of the חשבוןand click on the
magnifying glass icon that appears. To go back to the list or to go backwards at
all on any of the pages, simple press ESC.