Page 126 - Physiology and Pathophysiology MNU 2024-2025 نظرى
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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                  Level 2 Pharm D                       Physiology and Pathophysiology

                ✓  Hyperlipidemia, especially hypercholesterolemia, also
                   occurs but the cause is unknown.

                ✓  Hypoproteinemia stimulates protein synthesis in the
                   liver, resulting in the overproduction of lipoproteins.
                ✓  Lipid catabolism is decreased due to lower levels
                   of lipoprotein lipase, the main enzyme involved in
                   lipoprotein breakdown

                                    Disorders of the ureters, bladder, and urethra

                                       I- Infections of the urinary tract:
           Infection of any part of the tract may spread upwards causing pyelonephritis and severe kidney

           Inflammation of a ureter is usually due to the upward spread of infection in cystitis.

           2- Cystitis:
                                  A) Acute cystitis:                               B) Chronic cystitis:
                ▪  This is inflammation of the bladder.                   ▪  Chronic inflammation of the
                ▪  may be due to:                                             Urinary bladder.
            1.  Spread  of  microbes  that  are  commensals  of  the  bowel  ▪  May be due to:
            (Escherichia  coli  and  Streptococcus  faecalis)  from  the  ✓  This may follow repeated attacks
            perineum,  especially  in  women  because  of  the  short  wide   of acute cystitis.
            urethra,  its  proximity  to  the  anus  and  the  moist  perineal  ✓  It  occurs  most  commonly  in
            conditions).                                                      males over 60 years of age when
            2. A mixed infection of coliform and other organisms which        compression  of  the  urethra  by
            may  follow  the  passage  of  a  urinary  catheter  or  other    an  enlarged  prostate  gland
            instrument.                                                       prevents  the  bladder  from
            3.  Inflammation  in  the  absence  of  microbes,  e.g.  following   emptying completely.
            radiotherapy or passage of a catheter or other instrument.
                ▪  The effects are:                                       ▪  Calculus formation is common,
                1-  Inflammation.                                             especially  if  the  normally  acid
                2-  Edema.                                                    urine  becomes  alkaline  due  to
                3-  Small  hemorrhages  of  the  mucosa,  which  may  be      microbial  action  or  kidney
                   accompanied by hematuria.                                  damage.
                4-  There is hypersensitivity of the sensory nerve endings
                   in the bladder wall, which are stimulated before the
                   bladder has filled leading to frequency of micturition
                   and dysuria (a burning sensation on micturition).
                5-  The urine may appear cloudy and have an unpleasant
                6-  Lower abdominal pain.

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