Page 127 - Physiology and Pathophysiology MNU 2024-2025 نظرى
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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                  Level 2 Pharm D                       Physiology and Pathophysiology

                                             II- Urinary Incontinence

           In  this  condition there  is  involuntary  passage  of  urine  due  to  defective  voluntary  control  of  the
           external urethral sphincter.

                1. Stress incontinence         2.Retention and overflow            3. Urge incontinence
            ✓ This is leakage of urine      This occurs when there is:       ✓  Is a sudden and strong
               when intra-abdominal         ▪ Retention of urine due to         need to urinate.
               pressure is raised, e.g. on    obstruction of urinary         ✓  It may also refer to as an
               coughing, laughing or          outflow, e.g. enlarged            unstable or overactive
               sneezing.                      prostate.                         bladder.
            ✓ It usually affects women      ▪ Neurological abnormality       ✓  Leakage of urine follows a
               when there is weakness of      affecting the nerves involved     sudden and intense urge to
               the muscles of the pelvic      in micturition, e.g. stroke,      void and may be due to a
               floor e.g. after childbirth or   spinal cord injury or multiple   urinary tract infection,
               as part of the ageing          sclerosis.                        calculus, tumor, or
               process.                                                         neurologic disorder.

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