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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                  Level 2 Pharm D                       Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
         2- Cholecystitis:

            ▪  Cholecystitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the gall bladder.
            ▪  It is most commonly caused by the presence of gallstones in the gall bladder,
            ▪  but may also result from infection or reduced blood flow to the gall bladder.
            ▪  Signs and symptoms are similar to those observed with cholelithiasis.

                                           ❖ Liver Disorders

        1- Viral hepatitis

            ▪  The term hepatitis refers to inflammation and possible injury of the liver.
            ▪  Hepatitis may be caused by a number of injurious agents such as viruses, alcohol, toxins and drugs.
            ▪  When the liver is inflamed and injured as a result of viral infection it is termed a Viral Hepatitis.
            ▪  The main hepatitis viruses are A, B, C, D and E.
            ▪  All  of  the  hepatitis  viruses  target  the  hepatocytes  of  the  liver  as  their  site  of  infection  and

                         (HAV)              (HBV)               (HCV)             (HDV)             (HEV)

          I.P         2-6 Weeks    2-6 months               Variable.       2-6 months           2-6 weeks.

          Mode        Feco-oral    1. Blood route:           Blood route          Either:        Feco-oral.
          Of                       (transfusion-                only.         a. Co infection:
          infection                transplacental,                            enter the body
                                   syringes, dental                              with HBV
                                   procedures).                                  infection.
                                   2. Through body                          b. Superinfection:
                                   fluids: saliva, breast                     enter the body
                                   milk, tears, semen                           after HBV

          Acute       Mild acute   Acute hepatitis.         - Mild acute    Acute hepatitis.     Acute
          Or          hepatitis    -Chronic hepatitis       hepatitis.      - No chronic.        hepatitis.
          Chronic     (Self-       (occurs in 5% of         -Chronic                             -No
                      limiting     cases).                  hepatitis                            chronic.
                      within 4-6                            (common,
                      weeks).                               occurs in
                      - No                                  more than
                      chronic.                              50% of cases).
          Carrier     No carrier.    Carrier state          Carrier state.    No carrier.        No carrier.

          Age         <15 years    All ages could be affected

                                           ❖  Manifestations of viral hepatitis:
           1. Fatigue, anorexia, nausea
           2. Jaundice
           3. Liver inflammation and abdominal pain
           4. Abnormal liver function and enzyme levels

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