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in radio communications being emphasized. On a
               day to day basis, pilots are faced with many split-

               second decisions that can affect the fate of everyone on
               board. For example, by analysing a change in weather
               conditions, they can then react accordingly via their
               training and experience.

               Interpersonal & sensitivity skills
               Interpersonal skills also include eff ective communication
               skills, whether it be a simple or complex message.   Global skills

               The importance of effective communication is of   Working in the aviation industry will bring you into
               particular importance due to the level of responsibility   direct contact with different ethnic backgrounds from

               of human life and the continual shift towards automated   around the world, so global skills are essential. Having
               procedures. Also known as ‘emotional intelligence,’   an awareness and understanding of diff erent cultural
               interpersonal sensitivity is the ability to respect and being   viewpoints and communicating respectfully will give

               open to another person’s viewpoint. It has fast become   you a significant competitive edge in the aviation job
               one of the most important skills of the 21st century and   market. Whilst flying as a First Officer in Greece, Marcus

               is highly sought after in leadership positions.   Lindblom tried to notify the ground crew that he required

                                                                 5 tons of fuel by signalling with his whole hand (one

               Teamwork skills                                   finger for each ton required) with his palm facing forward.
               Working as part of a team is a vital skill needed in   However, in Greece, this is deemed as a rude gesture
               most professions. Being a good team player requires   which resulted in the ground handler denying his request
               cooperation, patience, identifying common goals and   and looking the other way. Fortunately, the Captain
               working collaboratively towards them. When you’re   had experienced this before and advised Lindblom

               flying the skies, it’s vital that the whole team cooperate   accordingly. This example just goes to show how essential

               together to ensure a safe journey for everyone.   global skills really are.
               It’s also important to accept responsibility for your   Flexibility skills
               failings within a team setup. During fl ight training,   For any business to grow, it needs to change and evolve.
               students are actively encouraged to take responsibility for   The future of aviation is expected to be turbulent with

               their actions and decisions.                      a new wave of technological innovation and changes in
                                                                 geopolitics. A report by Right Management found that
                                                                 91% of hiring managers will only recruit on the candidate’s
                 The future of aviation is                       ability to deal with change and uncertainty.
                 expected to be turbulent with
                 a new wave of technological                     Time management skills
                                                                 Time management skills are exceptionally important to
                 innovation and changes in                       airlines that are measured by their On-Time performance.
                 geopolitics. A report by Right                  Any delay caused to a flight is a waste of valuable resources

                 Management found that 91%                       and may cost the airline in fines. An airline that has a bad
                                                                 reputation for always being delayed or causing passengers
                 of hiring managers will only                    to miss connecting flights may result in a loss of business

                 recruit on the candidate’s                      as passengers seek to fly with a more reliable airline.

                 ability to deal with change and                 Thus, time management skills in their workforce are of
                                                                 paramount importance.
                                                                 Apart from the above skills you need to know if you are
                                                                 meant for this career and is this your passion?
                                                                 It’s not too late take up a psychometric assessment and
                                                                 discover if you have the innate desire backed by aptitude
                                                                 and Occupational Interest.

                                                                                     CAREER BEACON | Inaugural Issue | 2019 | 27
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