Page 22 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 70 Sem 1 B_Neat
P. 22

In the mid-year break, 45 students, together   In addition to Malake Primary School,
                with five members of staff travelled to Fiji for   the students visited Ba Sanatan College
                the biennial sport and humanitarian tour.      (Volivoli), Penang Sangram High School
                BMGS has sponsored Malake Primary              (Rakiraki), Sigatoka Valley High School
                School since 2011 and each tour provides       (Nadroga),Lomewai Rural High School and
                our students with the opportunity to see the   Korovuto College (Nadi).  The students
                results of the School’s fundraising efforts and   enjoyed the cultural exchanges (including
                to learn more about the school community       much dancing!) at each of the Schools, where
                that we support.  Unfortunately, after several   they also played Netball, Football and Touch
                years of donations, the island was hit by      Football against their Fijian peers.
                Cyclone Wilson (2016) which completely         Another very special stop was at Treasure
                destroyed their school and library.            House Orphanage, one of two orphanages
                During our last visit (2017), BMGS brought     in Nadi where we delivered toys, books and
                funds to provide the school with solar panels   lunch for the children.
                to generate power and each student brought     The tour also provided many sightseeing
                stationary and children’s books with them      opportunities, including snorkelling and
                to help restock  the school’s library. We also   kayaking on South Sea Island and again in
                donated laptop computers, three microscopes,   Denarau, the Tifajek Mud Pools and Hot
                a data projector, sports uniforms and shoes.   Springs in Nadi, a jet boat ride along Sigatoka
                This trip the students were witness to the     River and sourvenir shopping at Lautoka
                official opening of their brand new computer   Markets.
                room, which houses ten computers with          In our students’ words:  “What a brilliant
                internet facilities.                           tour!”
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