Page 26 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 70 Sem 1 B_Neat
P. 26

26 |            BMGS IN THE COMMUNITY

          For the past three years, BMGS has participated in
          the Massive Murray Paddle (MMP), a 5-day, 404km
          marathon along the Murray River.

          Part of the charter of this event is to raise funds for
          local or national causes. Last year our MMP team, of
          50 parents and students, elected to raise money for
          Junction 142 in Katoomba.
          This charity, run by Ms Rosa Del Ponte, supports and
          empowers homeless people in the Upper Mountains.

          Year 12 students William Hines and James Barrell
          were delighted to present Ms Del Ponte with a
          cheque for $5,000, raised by the 2018 MMP team in
          support of Junction 142.

         This year more than 90 students from Years 7 to 12 joined in the Annual Red Shield Appeal, undaunted by the
         early start and the icy May morning temperatures.  With all the zones in Wentworth Falls covered, with the help
         our their wonderful parent drivers, the students collected more than $5,000 for this year’s Appeal.

         SRC AT WORK

         In Term 1, Year 11 students Jasmine Snow, Matilda Merry and Abbie Clyne, who were representing BMGS’
         Student Representative Council (SRC), visited the West Connect Women’s Refuge to deliver donations made
         throughout the Term by the students and School community. The girls were accompanied by Ms Gonzalez
         (Humanities teacher) and, with her assistance and through the generosity of our School families, many items
         were donated to the Refuge, including nappies, soap, socks, skin products and toiletries.
                                                                                     During the visit to the Refuge,
                                                                                     the wonderful staff at West
                                                                                     Connect generously provided
                                                                                     morning tea and gave of
                                                                                     their time to talk about their
                                                                                     experiences, the services they
                                                                                     provide, and the invaluable
                                                                                     work they do with women.
                                                                                     The girls were keen to learn
                                                                                     more about the organisation
                                                                                     and its great work, and gained
                                                                                     much from the time spent
                                                                                     with the Refuge’s dedicated
                                                                                     staff members.
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