Page 19 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 70 Sem 1 B_Neat
P. 19

SEMESTER HIGHLIGHTS                                           |  19


        In June, the Junior School hosted the NSW      chess clock for the first time, the pressure
        Junior Chess League Primary Schools            was on. Regardless of the outcome, all
        Competition (Blue Mountains Division) One      the competitors enjoyed their chance to
        Day Tournament in Coote Hall.                  test their chess skills and logical thinking
                                                       processes against like-minded students.
        BMGS entered three teams and spent the
        day competing with schools from Lithgow        At the end of the tournament our A team
        Public in the west to Blaxland East in the east.   - comprising Zach and Ryan Ivery, James
                                                       Reynolds and Raphael Hampartzoumian
        More than sixty students joined us in          - was victorious against the Blaxland East
        determined competition, with Mr Richard
        Gastineau-Hills from the NSW Junior Chess      Public School A team, gaining a well-earned
                                                       position in the regional Semi-Finals to be
        League co-ordinating the day.
                                                       held in Term 3, and the opportunity to move
        With many students learning to use a           through to the State finals later in the year.


        This year the Junior and Preparatory Schools
        participated in the Independent Primary School
        Heads Association (IPSHA) Travelling Art Show.
        The Travelling Art Show showcases student
        artwork from independent schools across
        NSW and inspires creativity in young artists,
        whilst providing them with a window into the
        thoughts and imaginations of their peers at
        other primary schools.
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