Page 2 - 2020 Altiora Vol 72
P. 2

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    2  |         FR   OM THE HEADMASTER

                                                                online teaching; leaders learned how to do so by
                                                                digital means; and, of course, we all learned how to
                                                                Zoom and that we are more capable than we had

                                                                Mark McCrindle, the renowned Australian
                                                                social demographer, points out that “the age at
                                                                which we’re exposed to a transformative event
                                                                determines how embedded it will be in our psyche.”
                                                                He suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic will
                                                                be a defining event for our current generation of
                                                                students. So, what will be the impact? Will it be
                                                                as most predict; expectations of flexible working
                                                                conditions, the integration of technology into their
                                                                lives and the online delivery of education? I imagine
                                                                there will be much of this, however, I believe that
                                                                there will be a far more profound and fundamental
                                                                impact because whilst our conscious minds were
                                                                celebrating these conveniences and benefits, our
                                                                hearts were longing for face to face connection.

         As citizens of the human race, 2020 will forever       What does McCrindle suggest will be the impact
         be the year we were reminded of a range of very        on Generation Alpha? Their commitment to family
         important truths. We were reminded of the power        will be stronger because families were thrust
         of natural phenomena to transform lives, whether       closer together than previous generations; we
         by fire, flood or pandemic. We were reminded of        saw each other more and we relied on each other
         our vulnerability to the forces that have shaped our   more. Communities of friends will be tighter than
         planet and to malignant microscopic agents that        ever because we missed each other and had to
         curtailed the success of our species for countless     be creative in how we caught up when we were
         millennia. These vulnerabilities led to global         trapped in our beautiful country, confined to our
         fears which drove behaviours that have forever         gorgeous villages and suburbs, and locked in the
         scarred our memories; behaviours that divided          safety of our generously appointed homes … wow
         communities, thrust people into competition with       did we have it tough! Finally, McCrindle suggests
         one other and into arguments about whose lives         that this generation will be more resilient than their
         matter and whom we want to lead us. On a global        predecessors … or will they?
         scale, 2020 was ugly. Sometimes locally it was
         ugly. However, here at Blue Mountains Grammar          Young people learn how to be from the
         School, mostly it was beautiful.                       circumstances of life; from every force that acts
                                                                upon them. Their character is formed in these
         For members of the Grammar staff team, 2020 will       moments, being shaped and moulded like clay
         forever be remembered as the year we strove for        on a potter’s wheel. Of course, they have natural
         excellence, harder than ever, against true adversity.   propensities and innate dispositions! We are all
         I am so proud of my team for their commitment,         made of clay and not all clay is the same. Of course,
         resilience and adaptability and for the fruits of      they get to choose who they become! However,
         their labour. We had already been aspirational in      not completely and not without reference to
         our improvement planning for the year, however,        life’s experiences. So, I believe this generation
         in addition we kept the School open, we saw our        will be more resilient because the majority of
         students’ faces each and every day (even if only       children (unfortunately not all) watched their
         digitally) and our students kept learning. As a        extraordinarily capable, resourceful and flexible
         result, students of all ages made enormous strides     parents make the best of a bad situation. They
         in their learning and our Year 12 students achieved    learned from the experts and will hereafter model
         more than many hoped and as much as many               themselves on their example.
         dreamed in their HSC.
                                                                It does not take a crisis for us to set a profound
         For members of the Grammar community, 2020             example for our young people; it is an everyday
         will forever be remembered as the year we learned.     occurrence, whether we are intentional about it or
         Students learned what they were supposed to            not. The focus of this generation of Blue Mountains
         learn (and a few additional life lessons along the     Grammar teachers and parents is in being very
         way); parents learned how to teach; teachers           intentional in the contribution we make to the
         learned the finer arts of remote and                   formulation of our young people’s character.
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