Page 3 - 2020 Altiora Vol 72
P. 3

                                               FR   OM THE HEADMASTER                                          |  3
                                                                                                               |  3

       As significant forces in their life we need to   life. It is more important than ever before that
       press and push very carefully, with great      we cater for the psychological and emotional
       wisdom and precision, to bring about the       health and wellbeing of our young people. In a
       outcomes we desire. Of course, the majority    world that is more complex than ever before
       of ceramic artworks are made with the          ,and at a time when our students are more
       cooperation of the left hand (teachers) and    vulnerable than they have ever been, we need
       the right hand (parents).                      to invest more than ever in the resources and
                                                      facilities they need to live healthy, fruitful
       I am more confident than I ever have been in   lives.
       our collective capacity to nurture a generation
       of young people with the character and         For this reason, in Semester 2 of 2021,
       capability to manage the complexities of       we will begin the construction of the John
       modern life. We have a vision of the character   Cunningham Student Centre (see overpage)
       traits and capabilities we seek to grow in     to house the many specialists who serve our
       our Ad Altiora Framework for Learning and      Senior School students’ needs, including our
       Life. We have a plan that includes the type    Student Receptionist, Learning Enrichment
       of culture conducive to this growth and the    Educators and those who provide for our
       range of methodologies and pedagogies that     students’ wellbeing, such as our Heads of
       effectively stimulate growth. So, it’s in the bag,  House and Counsellors.
                                                      I trust we can count on your support.
       These statements must be accompanied by
       one significant proviso as there is really only   Mr Ian Maynard
       one variable that can derail a young person’s   Headmaster


       F ront row:
       Front row:  Mr Tristan Forsyth (Director of Curriculum), Mia Brischetto (Vice Captain), Mirah Larkin (School Captain),
       Mr Owen Laffin (Deputy Head - Head of Senior School), Mr Ian Maynard (Headmaster), Tom Delaney (School Captain),
                                                                                Row 2:
       Sebastian Aldred (Vice Captain) and Mrs Alicia Michielsen (Director of Wellbeing and Inclusion).  Row 2:  Indigo Franklin
       (Hughes House), Michayla Clark (Hughes House), Zac Burgess (Kelley House), Jessica Chongbang (Kelley House), Grace
                                                                                           Row 3:
       Dillon (Deane House), Wil Stacey (Deane House), Ruby Hensen (Pitt House) and Mitchell Herron (Pitt House).  Row 3:
       Rosemary Gee (MacLaurin House, Matilda Smith (Captain of Christian Leadership), Koko Wilson (MacLaurin House),
       Raphael Davey (Ziele House), Scarlett Weston-Cole (Ziele House), Harrison Jarman (Captain of Music, and Audio/Visual)
                                        Row 4:
       and Gabriella Antarakis (Captain of Music).  Row 4:  Kalana Campbell-Fuller Captain of Visual Arts), Chloe Neale (Captain
       of Visual Arts), Molly Jinks, (Junior School Liaison), Lucy Saunderson (Captain of Debating), Bethany Field (Captain of
       Student Learning), Phoebe Mason (Captain of Performing Arts) and Rebecca Docherty (Captain of Performing Arts).
       Row 5:  Nicholas Hayes (Captain of STEM), Susan O’Hara (Captain of Wellbeing), Avelynn Drummond (Captain of
       Row 5:
                                                                                Row 6:
       Wellbeing), Chloe Dance (Captain of Sustainability) and Milla Gibson (Captain of Sustainability),   Row 6:  Lucia James-
       Wright (Captain of Community Engagement) and Ella-Rose Fisher (Captain of Community Engagement).
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