Page 42 - 2021 - Altiora Vol 73 Sem 1 and 2
P. 42

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   42 |          ALUMNI NEWS
                 ALUMNI NEWS


                                                                                     ad Hoffmann (2011)
                             wrence Noble
         Congratulations to Lawrence Noble (2013) who has    Congratulations also to Brad Hoffmann (2011) and his
                                                                      (nee Buckingham-Jones, 2011)
         graduated from the University of Queensland with    wife Sally (nee Buckingham-Jones, 2011) on the arrival
         a degree in Veterinary Science (Honours), having    of their first child, Louis, who was born on 9  November.
         previously completed a degree in Medical Science
         at UNSW.
         In January, 2022, Lawrence will be commencing a
         veterinary internship at the prestigious University
         of Queensland Small Animal Hospital.  His passions
         lie in the fields of anaesthesia and pathology and
         Lawrence intends to specialise in anatomical
         pathology in the future.

                                                            STAY IN TOUCH
         REUNIONS                                           ST A Y IN T OUCH
         For the second successive year, due to lockdowns    Do you have news you wish to share?  Please keep in
         and border closures, we had to again cancel all the   touch by sending your news and images to:
         Reunions that were scheduled for 2021.    

         We are still very keen to bring our Alumni together   The School has implemented a new Alumni database
         for their significant anniversaries and we are      which will greatly improve our communications with our
         currently planning 10, 20, 30 and 40 Year reunions   Alumni members.
         for all Year groups with graduating Years ending
         with “0” and “1”, together with the Reunions that will   Past members of Staff and friends of BMGS are
         fall due in 2022.                                   also invited to add their details to our database.
                                                             Communications for the Reunions will be circulated via
         Please ensure you have updated your details via our   this new database, so please go to our website Alumni
         new Alumni database (see Stay In Touch).  Alumni    page to update your details, where you will find the
         members are also encouraged to ‘like’ our Facebook   separate links for Alumni and past members of staff:
         page, where Reunion dates are posted as Events, or
         join us on LinkedIn..                               https:/ /www .bmgs.nsw alumni-association/
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