Page 38 - 2021 - Altiora Vol 73 Sem 1 and 2
P. 38

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   38 |          FOR THE COMMUNITY
                 FOR THE COMMUNITY

                                    CY FOUND

        After the lockdown of 2020, The Great Book Swap returned to the School’s calendar in Semester 1 this year, to
        raise funds in support of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF).

        Over the course of a week, in June, students and staff came together in the Senior Library Resource Centre
        (SLRC) exchanging their much-loved and treasured books for new additions to their personal libraries.  Visitors
        walked away with not only something wonderful to read, but with the knowledge that their gold coin donations
        were contributing to a very special cause.

        The event was once again co-ordinated by Sidney Edwards (Year 9) who, as an ILF Ambassador, has been raising
        the profile of the Foundation within the Senior School since 2019.  Sidney’s Deane House Year 9 Tutor Group
        and their Tutor, Mrs Yukie Evans, are also to be commended for their support of the event.  The addition of a new
        element to the occasion - a cake stall, featuring delicious treats generously provided by Deane House parents -
        proved extremely popular, adding a festive feel to the Book Swap.
        In total, more than $1,000 was raised for the ILF, which will be used in the production, publishing and supply
        of culturally relevant books for Indigenous students living in remote Australian communities.
        SHARING THE L       O  VE
                                        In addition to Deane House’s
                                        work with ILF (above), and despite
                                        the interrupted year, our Houses
                                        kept their fundraising goals in
                                        focus wherever possible.  Hughes
                                        House students delivered roses
                                        throughout our Senior School
                                        campus for Valentine’s Day,
                                        spreading the love and raising
                                        funds for Headspace Katoomba.
                                        Meanwhile, students from
                                        MacLaurin House supported the
        Black Dog Institute by selling handmade ‘pocket hearts’ as a
        reminder of hope, courage and comfort; Ziele House ran their annual
        STEPtember campaign, albeit the ‘lockdown’ version, providing
        excellent incentive for “iso” fitness routines, Pitt House prepared
        Christmas baskets for Junction 142 .(Katoomba), and students from
        all Houses rallied behind Bandanna Day and Harmony Day.
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