Page 12 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 12

7    Foreword

                  uring our Erasmus+
           D - project some gener-
           al tendencies have become
           more and more visible. The
           idea  that  living  separately  or
           at a distance from, is more
           advantageous for states than
           staying within the EU; the in-
           sight – first strongly expressed
           by students – that all people
           have a great responsibility for
           the ecological well-being of fu-
           ture generations; the fact that
           our countries are becoming
           more and more diverse due to
           a growing proportion of migra-
           tion, for whatever reasons.

           No-one can say yet what influ-
           ence all this will have on future
           international school projects,
           but one thing is sure:                “        Such projects
                                                 do not only focus on

                                                 problems, but also

                                                 search for solutions
                                                 in a spirit of mutual
                                                 understanding and

                                                 peace. ”

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