Page 15 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 15

                 “        It is a program that gives all par-

                 ticipants the unique opportunity to dis-
                 cover life in a country. No rush from

                 one tourist attraction to another, no

                 „to-do“ lists to tick off, no tourist res-
                 taurants with globalized meals, no sou-
                 venir shops. ”

                  t each Erasmus+ meeting the   Thanks to their experience in the
           A guests are not only heartily       Erasmus+-project, the young par-
           welcomed, but they are also shown    ticipants were able, after this 2-year
           many favourite places of their hosts,   project, to make bold plans for their
           beautiful and unique places, favour-  lives and act more openly with one
           ite restaurants and much more that   another.
           an ordinary tourist will never dis-
           cover.                               Another point is that taking part in
                                                a European project helps develop
           This way, many prejudices are cor-   political interest. If you learn some-
           rected, stereotypes and other limita-  thing about a certain topic in detail,
           tions are challenged, and new ways   you become more and more interest-
           of communication and understand-     ed in it and you come up with your
           ing are created.                     own ideas and also your own, critical
                                                opinion. This is what our students
                                                experienced in our “food project”.

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