Page 20 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 20

15    The topic: “Food on Europe’s Tables”

               n France, we examined not only   families, have on the food industry?
           I the importance of healthy eat-     Can we make a difference? How?
           ing, diets, nutritional values, but
           also the diseases caused by bad eat-  This aspect of the topic caused us
           ing habits. Some students prepared   to think and discuss a lot, and one
           workshops for the Erasmus+-group,    thing has become clear: there must
           helping them analyse the influence   be a change, we are forced to take
           of eating habits on our health. What   new paths in order to live healthy
           we found here  was new ways of       lives.
           thinking, which can positively in-
           fluence our life habits.             Last but not least, in Portugal we
                                                were dealing with food from a po-
           At the third meeting in Sweden we    litical point of view. Does the Euro-
           were looking at the bigger picture as   pean Union really have that much
           to solutions to how to eat and live   influence on our food consumption
           more healthily. We looked at the     and our way of life? Are we “united
           food industries and the different    in diversity” regarding food, too?
           agricultural sectors in our coun-    Where do we need to, and are able
           tries. What impact do they make on   to, take action so that future gener-
           us, and what influence do we, the    ations can lead healthy lives? What
           standard young consumers, and our    is our responsibility?

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