Page 19 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 19

“        How im-                 a change of necessities and priorities.
 13    The topic: “Food on Europe’s Tables”                                   14

              portant food

              is for us young                  We often adapt the meal times to our
                                               work, and often we do not succeed in
              Europeans can                    eating together with the family mem-
                                               bers. The little time during the week
              be seen from                     that we spend together, we often fill
              the fact that we                 with fast and finger food. Howev-

              made this top-                   er, meals play an important role in
                                               holidays, when it is not just a mat-
              ic the topic of a                ter  of sitting  at a sumptuously set,

              2-year project in                festive table, but of taking time with
              order to explore                 the family and enjoying the special

              aspects more                     delicacies. Today we pay homage to
                                               food this way.
                                               At our first meeting in Germany we
                                               dealt with the topic of what we eat
                  t our first meeting, in Germa-  today, what our grandparents ate,
           A ny, we already  noticed that      what food we find in grocery stores
           our eating habits appear to adapt to   today and above all, what influence
           the changes in society. Meals, which   migration has on our menu.
           were carefully prepared at grand-
           parents‘ times, have no place on our   The second theme of our project, in
           tables.  Not  only  have  the  recipes   Ireland, was the representation of
           changed, but also the eating habits.   food in art, literature and language.
           If it was common 50 years ago, for   What is valuable to us humans shows
           example, to have regular meals with   in these fields, too, language being
           the whole family at the table, four-  the expression of a culture.
           course menus, carefully prepared
           dishes.  These  aspects  often  play  a
           lesser role in today‘s families due to

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