Page 22 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 22

17    The topic: “Food on Europe’s Tables”


                 he schools participating in our multilateral Erasmus+-project come
           T from  Germany,  Ireland,  France,  Sweden and  Portugal. All
           schools, with the exception of the German school, are located in a big city.

           All the schools  have close similarities - students and their families, colleagues
           and schools, which proved to be very helpful in the project work. Most of
           the students live in materially sufficient conditions and have similar educa-
           tional backgrounds, live in a caring home where all family members actively
           participated in the project and welcomed their guests in a very friendly way.

           All five schools have an increasing proportion of pupils with a migration
           background, which has been increasing over the last few years. This neces-
           sitated, and inspired, all students interested, regardless of their origin, to do
           such a European project in the first place.

           Another similarity between the participating schools are their school pro-
           grammes, which are all based on European values, communicating, main-
           taining and developing the idea of European “diversity in unity”. The schools‘
           strong European orientation can be seen in their numerous exchange pro-
           grammes and in their other multilateral projects.

           All participating schools are secondary public institutions with approximately

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