Page 25 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 25

19    The topic: “Food on Europe’s Tables”                                   20

           the  young  participants  examined
           the presence of the theme of food in
           proverbs, fairy tales and also in arts.

                 he third meeting in  France
           T took on a more scientific char-
           acter. The participants dealt with
           food and its effects on our body, in-
           formed themselves about possible
           eating disorders and diseases, with
           regard to the important role of „nu-
           tritious“ food for the body.

           The fourth meeting in Sweden was
           dedicated to the origin of food. How
           the land is farmed today, what has
           changed among farmers and the way
           of farming in recent years and what
           new ways of thinking have emerged
           in this sector, these were the most
           important aspects of the meeting.

           Finally, in  Portugal, the students
           contributed their ideas of what to ex-
           pect in the future if we maintain our
           present eating habits. They worked
           on what they could do, together with
           politicians in their countries, to guar-
           antee a healthy and dignified life for
           the near future and also for future
           generations, too.

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