Page 13 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 13


                    e would like to ex-
           W press  our  sincere                  Alkewitz
           thanks to all the people in our        Gymnasium An der Stenner
           school communities who made            Iserlohn, Germany
           this wonderful project happen:
           the parents of the project stu-
           dents, who hosted guest stu-           Ana
           dents with great commitment;           Melo
           the principals and teachers,           Escola Secundaria Maria Amália
           who gave us the backing we             Vaz de Carvalho in Lisbon,
           needed to carry out such a com-        Portugal
           plex project; all the people who
           directly or indirectly, in words
           and gestures, supported the            Mats
           project. Finally we are grateful       Rendahl
           that the European Commission           Bromma Gymnasium in
           has developed the Erasmus+             Stockholm, Sweden
           programme, which enables all
           people involved to learn some-
           thing about, and to experience         Stefanie
           Europe.                                Gebauer-Coduys
                                                  Etablissement privé sous contrat
           07 June 2019                           Sasserno in Nice, France

           The coordinators of the
           project schools.                       Priscilla

                                                  Dublin Dun Laoghaire Education
                                                  and Training Board, Ireland

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