Page 170 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 170

165    Final Evaluation

           “We were  surprised  how the the Swedish society values the educa-
           tion of the future generation. We also were surprised that the school
           in Portugal was constructed in a way that it’s never hot, even in a
           hot summer.”
                 “       Europe for us means feeling

                 at home in every country. We feel
                 proud of our European cultural and

                 social achievements. ”

           “We loved seeing our students grow and become independent over
           the course of the project. Seeing them embrace the project and talk
           so passionately about it has made all the work worthwhile. On a
           personal front we loved meeting new people, making friends, em-
           bracing new cultures and learning from each other.”

           “We learned that food is an intricate part of our societies that brings
           people together. This project showed the importance of sustainabil-
           ity for the future generations and the importance of teaching about
           it in schools.”

           “We were surprised at how nervous and shy, even the most confident
           of our students were, at the beginning of their mobilities. However
           they thrived and really became united in diversity. It was their dif-
           ferences that brought the, together and gave them the most to talk
           about and bond over. Europe really is a melting pot of amazing peo-
           ple and this project allowed our students to combine being nation-
           alistic and being European.”

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