Page 36 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 36

31    Evaluation of the Results

           Impact of


                 he enormous influence of mi-   reason for this. The multicultural
           T gration has changed the eat-       shops are a big contribution to the
           ing habits of Germans, too. They of-  food culture in Germany, which we
           ten prefer foreign cuisine, which can   young people are very happy about.
           be prepared quickly and is cheaper
           to prepare. Therefore, it is relatively   There are 15 Italian, Spanish, Chi-
           difficult to find a traditional German   nese and Greek restaurants and
           dish in a restaurant in Iserlohn.    snack bars in the city centre, where-
                                                as there are only 9 German restau-
           This phenomenon is certainly due to   rants. There are currently around 50
           the fact that Iserlohn, compared to   different restaurants in the greater
           the other participating partners of   Iserlohn region. Many of them have
           the Erasmus+ project,  is a relatively   owners with foreign roots.
           small city. In the  four other cities
           you will find an large selection of   Before 1970 there were mostly Ger-
           foreign and traditional restaurants.  man restaurants,  bars  or  pubs,  as
                                                there were few migrants workers com-
           One can say that there is more for-  ing to Germany. From 1970 onwards,
           eign cuisine than German cuisine     more and more foreign restaurants
           in Iserlohn. Migration is the main   were opened in Iserlohn.

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