Page 38 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 38

33    Evaluation of the Results

                 eople from all over  Europe    We have quite a great number of
           P emigrated to Germany, want-        (Italian) pizzerias or (Turkish) ke-
           ing to fulfil their dream or simply   bab shops, with new ones being
           start a new life. Since there were not   set up,  such as  the “Mundkeule”
           many foreign gastronomies in Ger-    (‘mouth club’) in the centre, a res-
           many at that time, at the beginning   taurant that specializes  in  sucuk
           putting up meal stalls on the market   and attracts many customers every
           or restaurants in town was a success-  day, or a Syrian and an Afghan res-
           ful business model.                  taurant. But since they are far apart
                                                and there is hardly any competition
           Since in Iserlohn more and more      between them, even the small shops
           restaurants have opened and hard-    can keep their head above water.
           ly  any  restaurant  closes,  there  are
           today a multiplicity of different res-  Due to the migration in recent dec-
           taurants and quick meal bars in our   ades, there are various snacks and
           city. To be sure, this is very conven-  restaurants with international spe-
           ient for us young people, as we have   cialties in our city. Because of the
           a wide range of possibilities to have   fact that migration is always present,
           something to eat in our free time.   there are likely to be more multicul-
           And since many of these restaurants   tural restaurants in our region.
           are located in the city centre, we can
           reach them easily and quickly just by
           walking there.

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