Page 42 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 42

37    Evaluation of the Results

           Food in

           Idioms and


                 or centuries, food has played   The second big motif are fruit and
           F a very important role in soci-     vegetables, which were in people’s
           ety because food unites people. So   food  in  the  past.  This  is  also  sup-
           there is no surprise that there are a   ported by  historical references  to
           lot of food idioms and proverbs in   the 19th century, since many people
           our languages. Most of the idioms    could not afford to buy more expen-
           in central and northern European     sive food such as different kinds of
           countries deal with cakes, fruit and   meat, their diet almost entirely con-
           vegetables.                          sisted of fruit and vegetables. People
                                                who were not rich only ate meat on
           Some proverbs dealing with cakes     special occasions such as festivities.
           are translated as “as flat like a pan-
           cake”, “a part of the cake“, “nutty
           like a fruit cake“ and “easy  like an
           apple pie“. This does not necessar-
           ily mean that people in the past ate
           much cake, but that cake was an
           important part of their culture and
           symbolized a fine cuisine of the rich.

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