Page 43 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 43

37    Evaluation of the Results                                              38

           A lot of German idioms have          “Jemand muss kleine Brötchen
           to do with bread and cake:           backen”. “to bake little rolls” - Some-
                                                body has to be very unassuming or
           “Sie haben sich aufgebrezelt”. “They   modest (because he/she probably
           have pretzeled on.” - They (usually   boasted to much in the past) - to
           girls / women) have put on very ele-  eat humble pie.
           gant clothes, and probably make-up,
           to fit to the occasion.              Typical of Portuguese cul-
                                                ture, these proverbs deal the-
           “Friede,  Freude,   Eierkuchen”:     matically with fish, as the Bacalhau
           “Peace, Joy and egg cake” -          is one of Portugal‘s national foods. A
           Everything is (too) peaceful and     catchy and original phrase is “Peixe
           simple. (You don’t really trust that   velho é entendedor de anzóis“ “para
           it is really peaceful and joyous, as   quem é bacalhau basta”, which
           the bathos (“egg cake”) indicates..)  means for insignificant people any-
                                                thing (food) will do, namely bacal-
           “Rosinenpickerei”:  “raisin picking”   hau, which used to be quite cheap in
           - Cherry picking, taking only the    the past, meaning: as much as the
           best of something, probably at the   clever cannot be fooled.
           expense of others.
                                                An old fish knows about fishing
           “Jemand bekommt etwas für’n Ap-      hooks. (cannot be fooled) Original:
           pel und’n Ei”. “To get something for   “Peixe velho é entendedor de an-
           an apple and and egg” - very cheap.  zóis”

           “Seine Brötchen mit etwas verdie-
           nen”. “to earn one’s rolls with some-
           thing” - To earn money (doing some

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