Page 44 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 44

39    Evaluation of the Results

                    ith   regards   to          One  of  the  most  popular  proverbs
           W Ireland the ma-                    that can be used in many situations
           jority of their proverbs, in relation to   is  “When life gives you lemons,
           food, there is a strong link between   make lemon juice“. This is a classic
           food and contentment. “Laughter is   example of how to make the most of
           brightest where food is best”  and “A   what you have.
           man is like the bagpipes, he never
           makes a noise until his belly is full”.
           A proverb that would be heard in     Food idioms in Sweden:
           every household in Ireland by Irish
           mothers is “Bionn blas ar an mbea-   “Grädde på moset” - Cream on the
           gan” which in English translates to   mos; even more of the most desir-
           “hunger is a great sauce” when a     able
           child would refuse to eat their veg-
           etables.                             “Lugn som en filbunke” – Calm as
                                                yoghurt; the most calm person you
                                                can think of
           Finally,   French   idioms
           and  proverbs show  that  the        “Det blev pannkaka av allti-
           French traditionally place a very    hop” – All ended up as a pancake;
           high value on manners at the table.   everything turned into a real mess
           “Celui qui ne mange pas à la table
           mange à l‘étable“ and  “Comme on     “Få betalt för gammal ost” – Get
           mange  on travaille“  are  intended   paid for old cheese; to get something
           to encourage the French to become    bad in return
           educated people with good manners.
           Translated, they mean nothing more   “Äta någon ur huset” – To eat some-
           than that a person‘s behaviour de-   one out of the house; as a guest re-
           pends on their table manners. He     ally feed yourself on behalf on your
           who does not eat at the table, eats   host
           in the stable. As we eat, we work.

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