Page 87 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2018
P. 87

Bruce  Lenzi:  Thanks  for  taking  time  out  in  your  busy  schedule  for  this  interview.  As  I  stated  in  the
        introduction, you guys have known each other for years. You we're both doing your own projects in music.
        First of all, how would you describe your music, as it’s not true Hip-Hop!

        Conor Bertha: I'd say Genre-Fluid

        BL: Genre-Fluid?

        Dylan Parra: If you wanna put it in one word, then, yes. But more like Alternative Hip-Hop with a Soul-Funk

        BL: I like Experimental Alternative Hip-Hop with Funk! How did this collab come together?

        DP: As you stated earlier, we've known each other for years and have gotten together a few times in
        different bands. We were both in different projects. I was in a Hardcore/Screamo/Metal Band, and Conor
        was in a Pop/Punk/Rock band. One day we got together and started laying down some tracks and decided
        to take it to the next level. We decided to go full out with it this time.

        BL: You guys have a unique sound in your mix. How does that come about?

        DP:  Yeah,  we  use  a  style  called  “Foley.”  Foley  (named  after  sound  effects  artist  Jack  Foley)  is  the
        reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production
        to enhance audio quality. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and
        footsteps, to squeaky doors and breaking glass.

        BL: The name of the band and logo is cool. How'd that come about?

        DP: As for the name of the band, we first thought of Pro-Audio, but thought was too generic. So, being
        from Florida, we came up with Flo.Wav -- the word “Flo” reppin Florida and the flow of our music. The
        “.Wav” part we came up with because when you bounce down a music file in pro tools, it comes out as a
        .wav file. As far as the logo, we both collabed on that. 1we literally sat side by side at the computer trying
        different things and came up with the idea of a kick drum as the circle and the X. We wanted to do
        something different, so we came up with using a pair of drumsticks. The wave part is that we're from
        Flagler Beach, literally, right on the ocean. Conor is a great surfer, so we thought that would be a cool
        representation of the “.Wav.”

        BL: Kawabanga, dude! LOL! Do you guys do all the production and mastering?

        DP: We produced the first EP, but we had Michael Celantano of MC Productions mix and mastered it. We
        will be doing it all ourselves on the next EP.

        BL: Dylan, you have a great vocal range. Have you had any vocal lessons?

        DP: No, not really any lessons at all. My Dad was a vocalist in a popular band called Sacred Warrior out of
        the Illinois area back in the day. I had to Google him to check it out. I guess just being around my Dad and
        listening to him. I guess it's in my blood! I never liked singing. I'm kinda shy. But I did a song finally and
        got a lot of great feedback. So, I decided to give it a try. Prior to that we had a bunch of Flo.Wav music
        written already just for the fun of it. Finally, 1 1/2 years ago, we finally decided to go for it.
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