Page 89 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2018
P. 89

CB: I really didn't get into Hip-Hop till in High School. My sister kinda turned me onto it. Eminem "Marshall
        Mathers" album was def my first influence. Before that I was into Pop-Punk and Metal. I really dug the flow
        and style of Hip-Hop. I started writing some fun raps and stoner-type raps and then decided to write some
        serious rhymes.

        BL: Any new music or videos coming out?

        CB: Our next single from our newest EP will be “Shift."

        DP: Then we will be releasing another track with a special guest.

        BL: Who are you going to collab with?

        DP: His name is The Prime Time Nino. He's an excellent artist!

        BL: So, I see you guys are expanding into the music biz. Y'all are trying out festival productions. Tell us about
        this one coming up next week. Is this your first?

        DP: No, this is our second year. The first one did so well, we decided to do it again. We have 43 artists,
        vendors -- all different genres of music and arts this year. There is Screamo Metal, Rap, Country -- all the
        way through to a Yodeling act. Music for everyone! Flo.Wav Music and Arts Festival 2.

        BL: This is all your production?

        DP: Yep. It's all Conor and me.

        BL: How active are y'all on social media? How far is your music reaching?

        CB: We are def big on social media. We mainly use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but Instagram is our
        best. We make a lot of great contacts with people and artists through it. We've had hits from Switzerland
        and England and a few other countries. I'll have to check Google analytics to find that out!

        DP: We've had bands from different states wanting to be part of the festival, which I thought was pretty

        BL: How old are you guys? And are you in this for the full effect? Ready to hit the road if need be?

        DP: We're both 23 and we are 100 percent ready. I know you hear that from all the bands, but this is our
        dream. We are putting our all into this project!


        Writers Note: I am truly impressed with these guys! These guys are the real deal! Get ready to jump on the
        train, because it's coming fast! #PUHPOW

        Flo.Wav Video “Too Far”:
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