Page 104 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 104

Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

          2.   Out of the above, has the company identified the   of our operation, contractors and suppliers (present at our site),
             disadvantaged, vulnerable  & marginalized stakeholders?  Yes,   and setting environment target, monitoring and communicating
             the company has identified the disadvantaged, vulnerable and   performance, conduct internal audit and develop corrective action
             marginalized stakeholders.                         plan, capability development and management review.
          3.   Are there any special initiatives taken by the company to      Fermenta understands the implications of energy consumption,
             engage with the disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized   both in terms of its cost to our operations and price the
             stakeholders. If so, provide details thereof, in about 50 words   environment  pays for it. We are committed to invest in newer
             or so. – Fermenta, through CSR initiatives, has undertaken several   technologies and processes to enhance our energy efficiency. Our
             activities for the empowerment of local communities by partnering   energy management approach hinges on a two-pronged strategy:
             with primary as well as special schools. It has also collaborated   improving energy and process efficiency, while diversifying  our
             with the National Association for the Blind to support their work   energy portfolio at all locations. Fermenta continues to remain
             for the visually impaired. Fermenta has also contributed towards   committed to decrease our carbon footprint. We expect to reduce
             rehabilitation of injured personnel of the Armed Forces of India,   our GHG intensity by 12%, objectives for reduction of greenhouse
             pediatric cardiac surgeries for the underprivileged and other such   gas (GHG  Gas) initiated  with  Environment  friendly  gas. We will
             activities in an attempt to enable the vulnerable to lead better lives.  continue to focus on GHG emission reduction efforts to ensure that
                                                                we are able to meet our commitment in FY2020.
          Principle 5
                                                                In our manufacturing process, water is used everywhere from
          1.   Does the policy of the company on human rights cover only   cleaning the equipment to raw material. Given this criticality, we
             the company or extend to the Group/Joint Ventures/Suppliers/  follow the classical ‘3R’ strategy of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for
             Contractors/NGOs/Others? -  The Company’s Code of Conduct   waste management. We focus on reducing waste at source and
             inter alia lays out the principles to conduct business in a true and   find ways to maximise recycling. The factories have adopted a twin-
             fair manner by maintaining transparency and accountability   focused approach for effective effluent management - reducing
             in its operations. The Company also adheres to the corporate   the trade effluent generated at source and finding ways of reusing
             governance principles enumerated in the SEBI (Listing Obligations   the treated effluent. The Company has initiated measures across
             and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 regarding rights   business units to ensure waste minimization, segregation at source
             of  its  stakeholders.  Further  the  Company  has  in  place  a  Social   and recycling.
             Compliance Policy mainly covering parties engaged through
             and in relation to the supply chain. The BR policy of the Company   3.   Does the company identify and assess potential environmental
             mandates the Company to respect and promote human rights.   risks? Y/N.
             The Company intends to extend the above principles and policies      Yes, environmental risks form a part of our operational risks in
             to the group companies, Suppliers, Contractors and all business   the Integrated Risk Management framework. Our Environment,
             associates, in letter and spirit.
                                                                Health, and Safety Management System (EHSMS), guides our
          2.   How many stakeholder complaints have been received in the   efforts in managing environmental impacts of our operations.
             past financial year and what percent was satisfactorily resolved   Our manufacturing facilities are ISO 14001:2015  certified for its
             by the management? -  No complaint received during the FY   Environment  Management  System  (EMS).  As  part  of  EMS,  each
             2019-20.                                           facility monitors the environmental risks through an Aspect-Impact
                                                                study of various activities. Contingency plans have been developed
          Principle 6                                           and implemented to prevent, mitigate and control environmental

          1.   Does the policy related to Principle 6 cover only the company   disasters. ISO 14001:2015 system implementation helps us to
             or extends to the Group/Joint Ventures/Suppliers/Contractors/  regularly review the environmental aspects and potential impact
             NGOs/others. –  The policy principles extend  to the group   of our operation, contractors and suppliers (present at our site),
             companies and Company’s business associates including its   and setting environment target, monitoring and communicating
             suppliers, contractors to the extent applicable. The Company also   performance, conduct internal audit and develop corrective action
             has Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy in place.  plan, capability development and management review. Risk
                                                                Management Plans are developed. Deviations from laid down
          2.   Does  the  company  have  strategies/  initiatives  to  address
             global environmental  issues such as  climate change, global   policies and procedures are tracked and reviewed by effective
             warming, etc? Y/N. If yes, please give hyperlink for webpage   procedures of Corrective Action and Preventive Action (CAPA).
             etc. - Our Sustainable Development Framework includes an EHS   4.   Does the company have any project related to Clean
             Policy and Environmental Management Standards addressing   Development  Mechanism?  If so, provide details  thereof, in
             key environmental aspects e.g. conserving natural resources like   about 50 words or so. Also, if Yes, whether any environmental
             water, fuel and energy. All our operating sites are ISO 14001:2015   compliance  report is filed?  -  No projects are undertaken
             certified. ISO 14001:2015 system implementation helps us to   specifically under Clean Development Mechanism; however, the
             regularly review the environmental aspects and potential impact   Company continues to invest in reducing air emission levels through

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