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Fermenta Biotech Limited
Annual Report 2019-20
d. Veterans: Fermenta contributed towards wheelchairs for includes the participation of local communities as a part of its
injured defence veterans. initiatives, to ensure that they align with the needs of the people.
For example, our support to defence veterans was carried out
e. Beyond CSR: Our association with Vitamin Angels allows us
to contribute towards their activities to eliminate Vitamin A through Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Kirkee, Pune; our road
deficiency in mothers and children under five. safety awareness program in Kullu was carried out in association
with the local Devi Devta Kardhar committee, Himachal Pradesh;
2. Are the programmes/projects undertaken through in-house and our programs for the visually impaired are routed through
team/own foundation/external NGO/government structures/ NAB, who understands the needs of these stakeholders.
any other organization?
Principle 9
Sr. Activity Implementation
No. 1. What percentage of customer complaints/consumer cases
are pending as on the end of financial year. - No customer
1 Empowering visually Through National Association for complaints/cases were pending as on March 31, 2020.
impaired Blind
2 Pediatric cardiac In collaboration with Jupiter 2. Does the company display product information on the product
surgeries Hospital and Rotary Club of Thane, label, over and above what is mandated as per local laws? Yes/
Premium No/N.A. /Remarks (additional information). - Yes, Fermenta
ensures to disclose on or in relation to its products all required
3 Road safety In-house, in collaboration with Devi
awareness Devta Kardhar Committee information, truthfully and factually, through labelling and other
means, including the risks, if any, from the use of the products,
4 Defence Veterans Through Paraplegic Rehabilitation so that the customers can exercise their freedom to consume
Centre, Kirkee, Pune
in a responsible manner. All necessary information is disclosed
5 Beyond CSR Through Vitamin Angels including but not limited to the product’s shelf life, strength,
intended use, safe and responsible use and storage conditions.
3. Have you done any impact assessment of your initiative?
Fermenta is committed to maintaining transparency and 3. Is there any case filed by any stakeholder against the company
accountability in its initiatives. We conduct reviews for all regarding unfair trade practices, irresponsible advertising
programmes conducted, in order to assess the impact of each and/or anti-competitive behaviour during the last five years
activity carried out. and pending as on end of financial year. If so, provide details
thereof, in about 50 words or so. – No.
4. What is your company’s direct contribution to community
development projects- Amount in INR and the details of the 4. Did your company carry out any consumer survey/ consumer
projects undertaken. – Please refer to the section of the Board’s satisfaction trends? - Although Fermenta has not carried out
report titled “Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility any formal surveys, your company is in constant touch with all its
(CSR) Activities”. customers to ensure speedy and accurate resolution of any queries
raised. Our growth trends in the last few years are reflective of our
5. Have you taken steps to ensure that this community customer satisfaction.
development initiative is successfully adopted by the
community? Please explain in 50 words, or so. - Fermenta
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Sanjay Buch
(DIN: 00391436)
August 28, 2020, Thane
Registered Office:
A -1501, Thane One, DIL Complex,
Ghodbunder Road, Majiwada,
Thane (West) – 400 610
Maharashtra, India.