Page 51 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 51
Corporate Statutory FinanCial
overview StatementS StatementS
Overview recyclability of enzymes, strengthening
The Company delivers proprietary capabilities of fermentation,
specialised technologies through immobilisation, polymer technology
its enzyme portfolio across the and molecular biology. The Company
biopharmaceutical product life-cycle. has been working closely with key
These services are offered across the customers by offering enhanced technical
complete product lifecycle – pre-clinical support on the Integrated Biotechnology
stage to commercialisation, enhancing portfolio to strengthen its position in the
project ownership, quality and customer Indian market. The Company intends
convenience. to emerge as a sustainable and reliable
source of enzymes for Indian antibiotic
The Company’s expertise ranges from manufacturers.
microbiology to genetic engineering,
fermentation to enzyme purification, Going forward, the Company intends
enzyme immobilisation to enzymatic to improve yield and reduce costs of
synthesis and polymer beads development production. The Company expects to
to scale-up synthesis. develop new applications, increasing
the customer base and market presence.
Over the years, the Company developed The R&D team will continue streamlining
and manufactured enzymes such as and improving its expertise in molecular
Penicillin G Acylase products i.e., Fermase biology to foster product development
PS 250 and Fermase PA 850 that are used and provide biocatalyst solutions for
in the manufacturing processes of various enzymatic applications.
antibiotics. The Company’s enzyme
technology for the synthesis of amoxicillin
and cephalosporin antibiotics offers
unique features and a competitive edge
for antibiotic producers. Fermenta offers
CAL B, a lipase enzyme with applications 3%
across pharmaceuticals. The Company also
offers enzyme immobilisation optimisation Share of overall revenues,
and supply services of various scales up to FY 2019-20
multi-tonne commercial quantities.
During the year under review, the
Company improved the yield and