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Whistler Blackcomb

       Mission Ridge Resort                                     Whistler’s successful Never Ever Days  initiative was recently named one of Canada’s leading

                                                                learning programs. The resort also has revamped its learning area to support NED.

        Guests who purchase the Mission Ridge Freedom Pass have unlimited access to beginner
        group lessons, the beginner lift, and equipment rental so they can learn at their own pace.

        life cycle of the program was a critical   purchase of one of these two offers.  ski areas in Canada. This focus on
        element. Mission Ridge tracked the       The Canadian mountain’s efforts   growing the industry is a lasting legacy
        number of lessons as well as non-les-  go far beyond NED. Significant capital   of Whistler’s program.
        son visits for each participant in the   improvements have been made to the
        Freedom Pass, and has monitored these   beginner area on the hill, including   Honorable Mention:
        figures year-over-year.               two new covered carpet lifts, major   Stevens Pass, WA
                                             increases to snowmaking capacity      A focus on diversity and on beginners
        Whistler Blackcomb, BC               in the learning area, and large scale   not taking lessons is a unique feature of
        Another long-running beginner con-   grading of the teaching areas. As well,   the beginner conversion effort at Stevens
        version program is the Never Ever Days   other departments, including market-  Pass. The resort introduced paid search
        (NED) at Whistler. Now in its sixth   ing, food and beverage, and retail and   campaigns in four different languages as
        season, NED is a special one-day event   rentals are trained specifically to assist   part of the multi-cultural outreach. The
        with the intention of making learning to   with the program.               learning area was studded with terrain
        ski and snowboard more approachable.     “The company-wide support         features available to all beginners (not
        For each of two days, 225 participants   for the Never Ever Days is a prime   just lesson takers), and branded the Flow
        (450 total over the two-day weekend)   example of multiple departments     Zone. Signage throughout the Flow
        are provided with everything they need   working together to provide a truly   Zone was added to describe how to use
        for a day of snowsports: the standard   unique learning experience for the   the features and provide a tool to gauge
        lift/lesson/rental, plus clothing rental (if   first-time customer,” Whistler said in   progress for all learners. These updates
        needed) and an après-ski beverage.   its application.                      and improvements have continued to
            Following this special one-day       Perhaps the most important        keep Stevens Pass on the vanguard of
        introduction, participants can purchase   element of Whistler’s effort is in   beginner conversion.
        two days of lift/lesson/rental, and then   propagating the gospel of beginner
        an additional two days of lift tickets;   conversion. In 2016-17, the Canadian   While there can be only one winner, it is
        the former is offered at 70 percent off   Ski Council endorsed the NED     clear from the quality of the submissions
        and the latter at 50 percent off. Over   program as Canada’s national learning   that areas are continuing to embrace
        the six years of the NED program, an   program. New skiers and snowboarders   conversion and are actively looking for
        average of 30 percent of participants   can log on to a website to find learn-to   new and innovative ways to attract and
        per season have continued with the   programs at more than 80 different    retain new skiers and riders.

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