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“I think this is an exciting frontier, with great value in  a lot of time it’s easy to get caught up with bells and whistles
        the opportunities it presents for individuals, and for school   and find out when you open the box that it isn’t really right for
        business development,” said Katie Ertl, managing director for   you. Do your homework, and be able to test it to no end.”
        ASC’s Ski & Snowboard Schools. “The questions we have are   According to Michael Stocker of Snowvation, instruc-
        whether the app can hold the skin of the company. Is there a   tional apps are already recognizing some early gains, as the
        way to move from the app into a company website, how do   company has seen 40 to 50 percent average growth of repeat
        we track commissions, what type of security is in place, and   private lesson business in working with eight resorts and
        on a personal level, how do we ensure that our individual   more than 3,000 instructors around the world.
        pros are representing themselves and the school properly? All   “We’ve also seen consumers develop a new expectation
        of these questions have to be properly vetted by IT.”   for the type of functionality with which we’ve powered our
            Erik Barnes, director of resort operations for Mount   partner resorts,” he said.
        Snow, Vt., agrees. Barnes has been using Snowvation (which   Snowation just raised an additional $500,000 from
        owns to book many of his private lessons.   venture capital investors between Colorado and the two coasts,
        “I think the technology does promote the ease of accessibility,   led by Rockies Venture Club, said Stocker. “Tech investors are
        and takes the hurdle out of booking some things,” he said.  really starting to take this space seriously,” he added.
            As someone who’s spent the past 20 years developing
        his own database management system, Barnes also adds that
        making sure any new technology interacts with your school’s   The Wild, Wild West
        existing resources is going to be critical.             Everyone interviewed for this article agreed that on-demand
            “I think the point for any school is to make sure the   booking is the future, but that doesn’t mean they could
        solution is right for your business,” Barnes said. “I know that   accurately describe just what that future will be—or which

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