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of being included in the culture of   clear progression to the next level, and   lift tickets, a discount on an intermedi-
        snowsports.                          the hassles related to equipment. The   ate lesson, and a discount on a season
            The teaching terrain at Copper has   $159 Freedom Pass includes unlimited   pass for the subsequent season. This
        been specially groomed and sculpted   beginner group lessons, access to the   additional package of upgrades encour-
        with features to make learning easy by   beginner lift, and equipment rental.  ages new skiers and snowboarders to
        harnessing gravity to promote correct    “The Freedom Pass allows begin-   continue with the sport by exploring
        learning technique. Green Acres is   ners the freedom to learn at their own   intermediate terrain and committing to
        separated from the rest of the overall   pace and feel comfortable, confident,   a season pass the following winter. More
        beginner terrain at Copper, “allowing   and inspired to explore new terrain   than 20 percent of Freedom Pass holders
        beginners to be comfortable with their   because they aren’t worried about a   from the 2015-16 winter became season
        surroundings,” according to Copper’s   limited number of lessons,” noted the   pass holders this season.
        application.                         application from Mission Ridge.          Mission Ridge improved e-mail
            The Ski and Ride University is a     Not only do beginners get to take   communication with Freedom Pass
        multi-year effort at Copper, and the   as many lessons as they want, once they   customers this season, with custom-
        results have been impressive. Nearly 30   feel comfortable moving up to more   ized e-mails triggered upon sign-up,
        percent of 2014-15 participants pur-  challenging terrain, Mission Ridge has   after the third lesson, and at other key
        chased a season pass in 2015-16, and   the next stepping stone ready: a dis-  milestones in the program. Tracking
        intentions to continue remain high, as   counted three-pack of all-mountain   the progress of beginners through the
        measured by a 2016-17 season survey
        of participants.
            One unique feature of the resort’s
        program is the option to take lessons
        at the Frisco Adventure Park, a small,
        beginner-specific learning area located
        6 miles from Copper.
            In addition, Copper created
        a similar program for Woodward
        Copper called Woodward 360. This
        new initiative includes lessons in the   Wachusett’s Fond Farewell
        Woodward Barn, where participants
        can learn trick progressions on indoor
        features such as trampolines, foam pit
        landings, and a pump track.          A year after winning the 2016 NSAA    the cup, so we took them liter-
                                             Conversion Cup for offering the best   ally,” dead-panned Wachusett Vice
        Mission Ridge Ski & Board            program in the country to convert     President Carolyn Stimpson as the
        Resort, WA                           new skiers and snowboarders into      Wachusett crew loaded the Cup onto
        For the second season, Mission Ridge   lifelong enthusiasts, Wachusett     a row boat on its snowmaking pond
        has offered the Freedom Pass—its     Mountain Ski Area, Mass., con-        for a ceremonial bon voyage cel-
        program designed specifically to provide   ducted a ceremonial send-off of the   ebration. “Seriously, though, we
        a roadmap for beginners to become (at   Cup back to NSAA to prepare for the   were very proud to win the Cup this
        least) intermediate skiers. The Freedom   2017 winner to be announced at   past year, and we see it as our job
        Pass is an evolution from the successful   the NSAA National Convention and   to create future skiers and riders for
        Learn to Ski in 3 program that Mission   Tradeshow May 5–8 in Scottsdale,   the industry. Even though we have
        Ridge had in place for the 2013-14 and   Ariz.                             relinquish the Cup, we feel we still
        2014-15 seasons.                         The Conversion Cup Award,         have one of the best programs in
            The Freedom Pass addresses some   a large silver trophy based on a     the country to introduce new skiers
        of the most common hurdles for begin-  Stanley Cup prototype, is a travel-  and snowboarders to the sport and
        ners, including the cost of the lesson,   ing award.                       keep them coming back. It was a
        the feeling of intimidation, the lack of a   “NSAA asked us to ‘ship’ back   great tribute to our team.”

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