Page 5 - Summer 2014
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20 Editor rebecca W. Ayers SponSorShipS Amy Steele dESign And production picante creative contributorS dave belin, John brice, dave byrd, greg ditrinco, Mark Eller, Sarah Esralew, Emily griffith, geraldine Link NSAA Staff prESidEnt ArtICLeS DePArtMeNtS Michael berry riSK & rEguLAtorY AFFAirS dirEctor 6 | KottKe Preliminary results show 4 | driFts dave byrd, Positive 2013-14 season overall Association news, Event updates, and More EducAtion progrAMMing dirEctor by Dave Belin Earl Saline, 72 | FaCe shots MEMbEr SErVicES dirEctor 10 | huGe minimum waGe hiKe to people, promotions, capital improvements, Emily griffith, imPaCt sKi resorts, by Dave Byrd product innovations, new Members, and other trail-breaking news and Events ExEcutiVE ASSiStAnt 11 | waGe & salary survey reFleCts Wendy guyerson, maJor JumP in PartiCiPation 76 | last liFt ASSociAtEd MEEtingS dirEctor by Dave Byrd national Safety poster contest Winners Jennifer Larson, Emphasize respect, by Emily Griffith FinAncE dirEctor 12 | Fall eduCation seminars tarGet Laura Lewis, sPeed Control, reCKless sKiinG pubLic poLicY dirEctor geraldine Link, 14 | CamelbaCK mountain resort wins Conversion CuP ChallenGe MEEtingS & conVEntionS dirEctor tom Moore, by Rebecca W. Ayers tEchnicAL SErVicES dirEctor 16 | nsaa honors seven resorts Sid roslund, For 2013-14 marKetinG initiatives SponSorShipS dirEctor by Rebecca W. Ayers Amy Steele, 20 | national saFety awards Go to AccountS/dAtAbASE MAnAgEr paige Vickerman, 13 resorts, by Rebecca W. Ayers nSAA 26 | national environmental 133 South Van gordon Street, Suite 300, Lakewood, co 80228 awards honor resorts and new ‘hero oF sustainability,’ by Greg Ditrinco the NSAA Journal is an official publication of the 28 | mountain biKinG world summit national Ski Areas Association. Articles may be repro- duced when credited to national Ski Areas Association’s heads to steamboat sPrinGs NSAA Journal. the NSAA Journal (iSSn 1530-1087) is by Mark Eller published bimonthly (six times a year) by the national Ski Areas Association, 133 South Van gordon Street, Suite 300, Lakewood, co 80228. only members of 54 | nsaa Photo album: 2014 About the Cover: nSAA may receive the publication, unless a written request is sent to nSAA. the annual subscription rate national Convention & tradeshow A skyward view of Jackson hole’s grand is $25. nSAA reserves the right to sell the NSAA Journal Adventure park, an aerial network of ziplines, to members only. periodicals postage is paid at denver, 56 | 2014 innovation showCase balance beams, cargo nets, and other fea- colorado. postmaster: please send address changes to NSAA Journal, nSAA, 133 South Van gordon Street, sPotliGhts the industry’s most tures suspended 25 feet high. photo by Suite 300, Lakewood, co 80228. phone (303) 987-1111; PromisinG ProGrams patrick nelson. Fax (303) 986-2345. w w w. n s a a . o rg SUMMER 2014 | NSAA Journal | 3 NSAA Summer 2014 prepressed v6a.indd 3 7/3/14 4:18 PM
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