Page 47 - Phytochemistry 2 (06-PG 605)
P. 47

Opium alkaloids with benzylisoquinoline nucleus

• This group includes the weakly basic alkaloids


• Papaverine


• Narcotine (noscapine)                        MeO

Papaverine                                     MeO

          Properties                                                                                                      OMe

   ** Papaverine is an aromatic weakly basic,                        Papaverine
                                               optically inactive, crystalline

** It can be extracted with chloroform from acidic solution.

 Papaverine oxalate is insoluble in water and is usually utilized for its
   separation from other opium alkaloids.

** The therapeutically used salt of papaverine is papaverine hydrochloride

Test for identification

1-Warren’s test for papaverine:

   Few crystals of papaverine are crushed with crystal of potassium permenganate
and one drop of Marqui’s reagent. A green colour develops, rapidly changed to

Assay : By non aqueous titration.


• Papaverine possesses spasmolytic (smooth muscle relaxant ) and
   vasodilator activity.

• It is used as antispasmodic for GIT spasms and in bronchial asthma in a
   dose up to 600 mg of papaverine HCL daily.

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