Page 20 - Pharmaceutics-II (02-06-01 203)
P. 20

Breaking test (Hardness)

                          Figure         6:                               Suppositories

hardness tester.

❖ To measure the fragility or brittleness of suppository

❖ A double-wall chamber in which the test suppository is placed is used.

❖ Water at 37C is pumped through the double wall.

❖ The suppository supports a disc to which the rod is attached.

❖ The other end of the rod consists of another disc to which weights are applied.

❖ The test was conducted by placing the suppository to support the axis of 600 g weight.

❖ At one-minute intervals, 200 gm weights are added.

❖ The weight at which the suppository collapses is the breaking point.

Melting range test

Macro-melting range is a measure of the time it takes for the entire suppository to melt when

immersed in a constant-temperature (37C) water bath. USP tablet disintegration apparatus is used.

Figure 7. USP disintegration apparatus.

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