Page 21 - Pharmaceutics-II (02-06-01 203)
P. 21

In-vitro drug release
    ❖ In-vitro drug release pattern is measured by using the same melting range apparatus.
    ❖ Aliquots of the release medium were taken at different time intervals within the melting
    ❖ The drug content in the aliquots was determined.
    ❖ The drug release pattern was plotted (time versus drug release curve).

Liquid suppositories
In general, a conventional solid-form suppository can cause patient discomfort and lead to patient
refusal, possibly lowering patient compliance.
To solve the problems of conventional solid suppositories, there have been several attempts to
develop suppositories that exist as liquid in vitro but gel in vivo.
Aqueous solution of poloxamer gelled on warming to body temperature. Solution of gellan gum
form gels in the presence of cations. They are used in the preparation of in situ gel rectal

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