Page 218 - Pharmaceutics IV (02-06-01305)
P. 218


    Its surface is coated with a continuous thin layer of
    mucus produced by sub-epithelial mucous glands.

    The ciliated epithelium of the nasal passage facilitates
    the movement of the mucous layer.

    The mucus contains lysozyme, glycoproteins, and
    immunoglobulins that act against bacteria and protect
    against their entry into the lungs.
    The ciliary action and the sneeze reflex add further
    defense against entry .

    Dr ALyaa Ramadan, AU                                             11


    Drugs introduced into the nasal passage are primarily for local
    effects on the mucous membranes and underlying tissues (e.g.,
    nasal decongestants).
    In conventional therapy, nasal medication is used for the
    treatment of minor local diseases such as nasal pain, nasal
    congestion, nasal infections, and allergic or chronic rhino
    However, drug absorption to the general circulation does occur
    through the rich blood supply feeding the nasal lining…….next

    Dr ALyaa Ramadan, AU                                             12


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